RCE-ESMO-ESO Training Course for Rare Cancer Patient Advocates 2021

The Rare Cancer Patient Advocates Training Course will bring together rare cancer patient advocates, researchers and oncologists from across Europe to actively participate in debates and discussions which can be used to maximise the impact of your advocacy group.  Throughout several sessions, you will be able to discuss with other rare cancer patient advocate leaders, debate with experts, and exchange best practices on Rare Cancers on the EU Agenda, COVID-19 and cancer, and patient involvement in clinical research.

The training is composed of several sessions (the first one being tomorrow) and please find below the agenda with the links for the registrations as well as the draft agenda here enclosed.

Session 1:
Rare Cancers on the EU Agenda
14 January, 16.00 – 17.40 (CET)
Session 2:
COVID-19 and cancer: lessons learned, pathway for the future
18 January, 16.30 – 18.00 (CET)
Session 3:
Session 3 is composed of three different sub-sessions of one hour each, and they are will be centred on patient involvement in clinical trialspatient involvement in clinical registriesand, finally, patient involvement in tumour banks. The agenda for the sub-sessions is the following:
  • Patient involvement in clinical trials
              19 January, 16.00 – 17.00 – Register for this session here
  • Patient involvement in clinical registries
               20 January, 16.30 – 17.30 – Register for this session here
  • Patient involvement in tumour banks
              21 January, 16.30 – 17.30 – Register for this session here