Radiopathological correlations of myopericytomas of the hand: emphasis on the MRI perivascular pushing growth pattern

BJR case reports, Sept 20

Amandine Crombé, Amine Bouhamama, François Le Loarer, Michèle Kind

DOI: 10.1259/bjrcr.20190074



Myopericytomas are exceedingly rare soft-tissue tumors with less than 10 cases including radiological depictions. We report three new cases of benign myopericytomas located in the soft-tissues of the hand in adult patients. A pre-treatment MRI was available for all patients and systematically evidenced well-defined, lobulated tumors closely related to the superficial palmar vascular arch and/or digital vessels with a perivascular pushing growth pattern that correlated with pathological findings. Though rare, this small case series show that myopericytomas display recurrent imaging features that could support their radiological diagnosis.